Richard Parker..?

Richard Parker in his true forms.

It is common sense that a question unanswered is one of the key factors for immense stress and pain. Experts, scientists, and philosophers are always pondering upon this mysterious and confusing question: What exactly is Richard Parker? Over the course of the novel, this ferocious Bengal tiger has always been the ‘pain’ for our lovely protagonist, Piscine Patel. Yet, it’s almost as if Richard Parker is essential to Pi’s survival?

Fear not, my fellow students! Today is the day where I, professor Bubu, will explore one of the possibilities of many. In my genuine opinion, I believe that Richard Parker represents both God and demon. I know it is ironic, but hear me out.

Richard Parker can be symbolizing God by many reasons. Whatever the religion, as long as there’s a deity, this god figure can be assumed to be great in power. All the great things a man can have, a god figure should have. One of these great characteristics would be giving immense hope for the followers. Now, what did Pi say in the novel? It’s the plain truth: without Richard Parker, I wouldn’t be alive today to tell you my story (219).

On the other hand, as mentioned in the above paragraph, the devil side of Richard Parker. I believe that this is an extremely understandable argument. The constant pressure that Richard Parker gave out during the trial was exhausting for Pi. It has become a constant sore point our main character here. Whenever he decides to do any action, it’s almost as if his first thought is, “I need to be careful of Richard Parker, or he’s going to EAT ME!” I would say that this is pretty similar to what a devil would do, applying constant threat and pressure, and most importantly, take over as soon as there’s the opportunity.

Now that the lecture has ended, I must emphasize on the point that my opinion may not necessarily be true. This, after all, is just one of the many possibilities of what Richard Parker could symbolize. However, I do hope that through this small sharing, your burdens have been lifted, and your souls have been set free.         🙂

6 thoughts on “Richard Parker..?

  1. I would really like to thank you Professor for explaining this for me. I also agree with your statement, to a point, where you claim Richard being a form of deity… ish. I also enjoyed the picture of Richard


  2. “Experts, scientists, and philosophers are always pondering upon this mysterious and confusing question: What exactly is Richard Parker?”

    As a scientist myself, I testify that every night before I go to bed, I will sit for 1 hour and ask myself: What exactly is Richard Parker. It kills me. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I lay there and I cannot get the stupid question out of my mind.

    What exactly is Richard Parker?
    What exactly is Richard Parker?
    What exactly is Richard Parker?
    What exactly is Richard Parker?
    What exactly is Richard Parker?
    What exactly is Richard Parker?
    What exactly is Richard Parker?
    What exactly is Richard Parker?
    What exactly is Richard Parker?


    And because of that, I would like to thank you, professor Bubu as you like to call yourself. I would like to thank you for bringing the end to my pain and suffering. Your keen analysis will surely give me back the hours of sleep I lost due to this one single question: Who exactly is Richard Parker.

    I love how you are able to consolidate the two completely opposite ideas:
    1. Richard Parker is God.
    2. Richard Parker is the Devil.

    I love how you provide concrete, in fallible evidence for your argument.

    “I would say that this is pretty similar to what a devil would do, applying constant threat and pressure, and most importantly, take over as soon as there’s the opportunity.”

    This part of your blog displays one of the best argument building I have ever witness anywhere.

    Thank you so much for the enlightening blog!


  3. Professor Bubu? Interesting. I found your analysis of the character of Richard Parker interesting as well. While I can understand your reasoning behind stating that Richard Parker represents both God and demon in Pi’s tale, I believe the same reasoning can be applied to state that Richard Parker protrays the two-fold nature of God. The best friends side which provides the believer with immense hope and faith. And the worst enemy side that is constantly pressuring and threatening. What do you think about this jeirut


  4. Intriguing analysis Professor Bubu! However, I myself, would have to disagree with the idea that Richard Parker maybe a god figure and Pi the mortal. In fact, I would argue the opposite. Pi is God, and Richard Parker is the protagonist. Life of Pi is a story told through the eyes of the god. Without Pi, Richard Parker would’ve died. This is plain and simple. There is no feasible way a tiger can survive at sea, without the tools that Pi posses: his hands. Pi fed Richard Parker through his efforts drenched in blood, sweat, and tears. Martel wishes to create a parallel image between God caring for mortals and Pi caring for Richard Parker. However, your thoughts are very clearly presented, and as you already know, I always respect your ideas based from your unique cultural and racial background. Great blog Professor Bubu!


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